Thursday, March 14, 2013

OK Finally we are writing again:)
    Jason, Nicole, Sed and Jasmine  returned the end of February.Their plans are to be her till the middle of April and then go to Mexico City.They are busy making things happen while they are here. Nicole just said they have guest coming the15th to 19th of it will be sometime after that.
    Weather is changing..last week was cold in the mornings but then would warm up above 70 every day was lovely. This week is cloudy and cool and rainy. But we will enjoy it because soon we will go into the dry and hot time of the year...altho not hot like in Tennessee:)
  Men are still working hard at their job of building a house for a brother. Plus working a day here each week to get some work done on the dining room...they got one of the walls plastered and Jasons had a brother put in windows. The plastering looks nice when they get it done. Progress is being made one step at a time!
    Our other cow Rekeka had a bull calf and Asher named him Rafiki and call him Raf for short:) The black cow Manchitas is to have her calf anytime...Asher said this morning she is worse than a woman..I laughed and teased him no he just forgot because he hasn't been through that torture of waiting for a baby to come in over 6 years:) LOL. Shes huge and looks miserable:) Rakeka isn't a big milker and we only milk her in the evening. Asher's hope is for her to nurse both her calf and Manchitas' calf...we'll see if they cooperate:)
  Some finances come in so Asher was able to rent the pasture for a whole year, which is helpful because now he can do some seeding to make it better and the brothers are going to help him work on the fence to get it in good shape as well. The brothers have bought some calves so altogether we have 12 head of cattle plus the new calf to be born:) They take a lot of Ashers morning time..its harder to keep cows healthy around here:( The latest thing we are battling with are vampire bats....Asher has done some research so he knows what he is dealing with.....they lick the cow which numbs it then bite and lick the blood...because its numb, the cow does not struggle so it can get a number of bites in one night without any fuss but they end up depleted..our one cow was pretty wiped out till we realized how serious they can be...we found some poison to put on the bites so when they come back that night to lick it again they get the poison...and we discovered when they go back to the colony the bats lick each other so the poison gets spread and kills more than difficult a time as we have had we are guessing its a big colony.......makes me feel like we are dealing with spiritual darkness in dealing with vampire bats:(
  This past weekend Tulancingo Village hosted a Youth Conference. Jason, John and Bertha and Javier and Daya and all the young people from the village went so it left things pretty quiet for those who stayed home:) It sounded like a good weekend.
   Eusevio and Luis Alberto have returned to their homes. It always leaves a hole..even the troublemakers add their spice:)
   Thanks again for all your care and support. Blessings to each one!!